www.iqbalblogger.blogspot.com - Sharing printer via LAN mah biasa, pengen sharing SCANNER juga? pakai Aplikasi “RemoteScan”.

Cara installnya sangat mudah dan harus diinstal di kedua sisi. Tinggal
pilih install sebagai server/host (untuk komputer yang digunakan
sebagai server scanner) dan sebagai client untuk komputer yang ingin
menggunakan scanner di server.
Setelah semua terinstall, cara untuk scan di client sederhana saja,
bisa melalui word, photoshop, dll. Gambar bisa dilihat di gambar ini.
RemoteScan™ Features
- TWAIN, WIA, ISIS® and Imaging support –– RemoteScan supports all TWAIN, WIA and ISIS® compatible scanners, as well as all imaging devices, including high-end scanners, sheet feeder scanners, duplex scanners, ‘all-in-one’ devices, card scanners, low cost scanners, flatbed scanners, web cams, and digital cameras.
- RDP and ICA Support –– RemoteScan uses native RDP and ICA protocols, which means that a scanner attached to a workstation can be accessed by the Terminal Services or Citrix application software through each logged on users desktop session without changing firewall configurations and without compromising network security.
- Configure and manage all your scanners from one administration account.
- Customizable Look and Feel: restrict user’s scanning choices–– Use the RemoteScan interface to ‘lock-down’ scanner settings, even among many different brands and models of scanners. Forces scanning area, DPI resolution and color settings to be consistent, so as to stream-line work flow of such things as insurance card scanning into patient record systems, etc.
- Lossless Compression –– RemoteScan uses highly efficient, lossless compression for transmitting data, and does not appreciably slow down overall network traffic. Many of our customers are using RemoteScan® to scan into hosted applications that are running on servers at distant locations with no discernable bandwidth congestion.
- RemoteScanworks with all modern versions of Windows, including Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003 and Windows Server 2008.
- RemoteScanWorks with all TWAIN compatible scanners, and converts any TWAIN compatible scanner into a full network scanner.
- RemoteScanworks with scanners via parallel, USB, firewire or SCSI connections.
- RemoteScan allows scanners to be accessed and operated by any Windows computer on LAN, and works with any software applications that can import from TWAIN scanners (Photo Shop, PaintShopPro, Word, etc. etc.).
- RemoteScanworks over LAN, Wireless, WAN and Internet networks.
- RemoteScanis Multi-lingual: currently available in 6 languages: English, Spanish, German, Italian, French, and Dutch.
- RemoteScanposes no known security risks.
- RemoteScan does not open ports on routers.
- RemoteScanhas absolutely no “spyware” and does not in anyway modify browsers or internet connections.
- RemoteScanworks with ‘All in one’ Printer/Copier/Scanners.
- RemoteScansupports Multi-sheet feed scanners and duplex scanners.
- RemoteScanis fast. No noticeable increase in scanning time even over a network. RemoteScan will keep up with ultra-high end, ultra-high speed document scanners
- RemoteScanworks with WindowsTerminal Services, Citrix, XenServer™, XenDesktop™, Open Desktop, etc. . Connect a scanner to a local computer and it can then be used by server software located on the Terminal Server computer.
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Created Post By www.iqbalblogger.blogspot.com
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Created Post By www.iqbalblogger.blogspot.com
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